Program manager ready to grow
Ashley Greaves
It is with great excitement that we announce the addition of Ashley Greaves to the team of Program Managers serving Rauch's Supported Living program.
Ashley started with Rauch's Supported Living program as a Direct Support Professional and quickly moved into a Home Leader position. She even successfully served as acting Home Leader for two homes simultaneously at one point. She flourished in her role as a Home Leader, taking exceptional care of her clients while also remaining diligent with paperwork, developing relationships with guardians and other members of the interdisciplinary team, and maintaining her supervisory duties. When we received her application for the Program Manager position, we were very excited at the possibility of having her as part of our management team.
Ashley graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health Promotion and is eager to put her degree to work. In her words, “The basic purpose of my degree is to research, find a need in a community, then design and implement a program to better the health and wellness of the community being served. Rauch has the program implemented already: Supported Living. As a Program Manager, I will be further developing and bettering the Hawthorn Glen community and the clients we serve.” Ashley enjoys tackling new experiences and is constantly seeking opportunities for growth; she aims to create a team atmosphere in her homes where her staff are both knowledgeable and motivated to provide the best care possible to her clients. She stated, ‘Whether I am working with staff or clients, I am fulfilled and happy to know that I am helping to make their lives and careers the best they can be pertaining to their health, safety, and well-being.”