Rauch Foundation
With the receipt of a gift from the Rasmussen estate, the Rauch Foundation was created in 1997 to establish both a culture and a vehicle of long-term fund development at Rauch, Inc.
The Rauch Foundation enables the organization to weather changes in policy, funding, and client need over the years. To further improve our ability to be prepared for whatever the future brings, Rauch relies on you to be a partner in securing that future by considering an investment in the Rauch Foundation, either now or in your estate plan.
Far too often, organizations like Rauch only find out about a will or estate gift after it is too late to properly thank the donor for their generosity and foresight. If you have made such plans, please let us know so that we can properly thank you for your generosity.
If you would like more information about making a planned gift, visit our Gift Planning page. To inform us of your will or estate plans which include Rauch, you may contact:
Development Office
1099 Marci Lane
Georgetown, IN 47122
Adam Kempf, President
System VP Finance, Norton Healthcare
Shelley Gast, Vice President
System VP Managed Care and Payor Strategy, Norton Healthcare
Steve Naville, Secretary/Treasurer
Lorch Naville Ward
David Schmidt
Director Global Quality & Continuous Improvement, Samtec, Inc
Katelyn Hines
Relative of a Person with a Disability
Attorney, Young, Lind, Endres & Kraft
Chuck Crowley
Chuck Crowley, CPA
William “Bill” Kaiser
Edward Jones