First Lady Karen Pence Awards Grant to Rauch, Inc.
Amelia Williams, Teressa Jackson, & Karen Pence
Award will support Summer Respite Camp for Children with Disabilities
Indianapolis – First Lady Karen Pence hosted the fifth award reception for grant recipients of the Indiana First Lady’s Charitable Foundation at the Governor’s residence on Tuesday, where she awarded $19,500 to 25 organizations and charities that serve Hoosier families and children across the state. Rauch, Inc. was represented by Amelia Williams, Director of Children's Services, and Teressa Jackson, Director of Development, who were on hand to receive the award.
“When Mike was elected Governor, I was overwhelmed with requests from so many worthy organizations to get involved in their efforts. However, it quickly became clear that I couldn’t be at every event nor could I champion every cause. That is why I, along with a team of dedicated board members, started the Indiana First Lady’s Charitable Foundation as a way to shine a light on the organizations across Indiana who lift up our communities and make our state strong,” First Lady Karen Pence stated.
“Rauch, Inc. is one of those organizations that is doing great work for our Hoosier children and families, and it is an honor to recognize them today,” said First Lady Karen Pence.
First Lady Karen Pence started the Indiana First Lady’s Charitable Foundation in August of 2013 as a way to recognize organizations and charities across the state. At the inaugural First Lady’s Luncheon held in April 2014, the Foundation awarded its first major grant of $100,000 to the Art Therapy Program at Riley Hospital for Children. This year’s luncheon recipient was Feeding Indiana’s Hungry with a grant of $65,000, which supports food banks and food pantries in all 92 counties. Throughout the year, the Foundation will award smaller grants to organizations across the state. The third annual First Lady’s Luncheon will be held March 8, 2016.
“Whether helping a child develop a love for reading or supporting families in need or encouraging a child to go further in the arts, these organizations are the backbone and the heart of our communities. They represent the very best of what it means to be a Hoosier, and we thank them for their service,” said First Lady Karen Pence.
For over 60 years, Rauch has worked to create a community where everyone belongs, providing a variety of supports to people with disabilities and their families. Rauch was the first school for children with disabilities in the State of Indiana and the first entity in Southern Indiana to be funded by the WHAS Crusade for Children. Today, Rauch provides sign language and foreign language interpreting, therapeutic supports to children with special needs, round-the-clock in-home assistance to people with disabilities, recreational and educational day programs for people with disabilities, and helps people with disabilities find and maintain employment in the community and at its workshop.
“We were incredibly honored to be among the agencies recognized today at the First Lady’s reception, and look forward to putting this grant to work to help kids with disabilities have a fun, meaningful, and educational summer in 2016,” said Bettye Dunham, Rauch CEO.
Related: News & Tribune story "2 local organizations receive grants from First Lady's Charitable Foundation"